Welcome !
Visitor’s Guide
Visiting Hours
All visitors (individuals and groups) must call in advance and receive a blessing to visit prior to coming, to ensure that a visit is acceptable on the day they would like to come. There are presently no facilities to accommodate Orthodox Christian pilgrims to stay on the grounds.
The Monastery is generally open from the first morning service until 7:00 p.m. During these hours, unless a service is in progress, guests may visit our gift shop in the guest dining area.

The Monastery follows the Anthonite tradition: a monastic life centered on the liturgical cycle of the Greek Orthodox Church and where one dedicates one’s life to continuously praying the Jesus Prayer “Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.”
Upon entering the monastery grounds, we therefore ask visitors to approach their visit with a spirit of quietness and simplicity, leaving behind worldly concerns in order to gain the most benefit of their visit and to enjoy the spiritual fellowship they will encounter.
We thank you in advance for respecting the holy grounds by complying with the rules and regulations. May God bless you and have a pleasant visit!
The Monastery is a holy place of prayer, repentance, and of spiritual growth. Therefore, it is with great respect of the Monastery and the Sisterhood that we ask all visitors to abide by the following:
ON ARRIVAL - When you arrive on the grounds, we ask that you immediately present yourself in the guest dining area.
ATTIRE - All visitors must dress modestly and remain this way until they leave the Monastery grounds. Women must wear modest clothing for example long skirts and sleeved tops. No pants/slacks, shorts mini-skirts, sleeveless blouses/tops or tight clothing. Men must wear long pants and sleeved shirts. If you are not appropriately dressed, one of the sisters will provide you with suitable clothes.
CHILDREN - must be under parental supervision at all times
PETS - are not allowed on the grounds.
MONASTERY DOGS - Visitors are asked not to pet or play with the monastery’s guard dogs.
CELL PHONES - If attending services, visitors are asked to turn off cell phones and all other electronic devices.
Smoking and alcohol are prohibited on the grounds.